After All These Years, and now after the untimely losses of
Freddy Bing, and founder and singer Bill Katz,
The Era of the Dauphine Street Blues as an active band
has sadly come to an end. 1965-2018, not a bad run!

The last official gig of the Dauphine Street Blues
took place in June, 1969 on the Johnson Party
Boat in Cincinnati. Since then, there have been
these reunions.
August 1989 - WHS 20 Year Reunion
Cincinnati, Ohio
July 1999 - DSB 30 Year Reunion
Cincinnati, Ohio
June 2001 - WHS Class of '69 Open House
Cincinnati, Ohio
September 2009 - WHS & WHHS
Classes '67, '68, and '69 Open House
Cincinnati, Ohio
October 2018 - WHS Class of '68
50th Reunion
Cincinnati, Ohio

